

  1. Abundance Foundation
    1. about
    2. the Agency by Design project ­partnership of Project Zero and
    3. description and focus of
    4. funding social change empowerment initiatives by students
    5. grant program
  2. Access
    1. bicycle example
    2. to books (Ana’s story)
    3. for diverse populations
    4. equity and
    5. to information on the Internet
    6. to insides of devices and
    7. to materials
    8. to skills and knowledge
    9. to spaces, tools, and equipment
  3. Ackermann, Edith K.
  4. Action
    1. agency and role of
    2. dispositional behavior stating that ability alone is not enough to ensure
    3. relationship between intention and
  5. Agency
    1. caring for your community for sense of social
    2. collective
    3. as complex web of interrelated actions
    4. concept of community in sense of
    5. defined as choice, intention, and action
    6. how empowerment ...

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