An agent recently asked me if I had a five-year strategic plan for writing books. I told her it sounded like a great idea but, no, I didn't. This book, like all my others, evolved very organically from a casual conversation with my publisher, Lucy Raymond, about how I might self-publish a journal-style guidebook to share with clients and people at my workshops and Live Brave events. The original vision was largely just questions, a few quotes, empty pages and little else. As you can see, it has turned into something far bigger. So thank you, Lucy, for believing in me — a third time around — and allowing the scope and structure of this book to evolve as I dived into writing it. Thanks also to the team at Wiley who helped shepherd it into your hands right now.

Given this is my fourth book, it would be reasonable to assume I'd have this whole ‘book-birthing' process down to a fine art by now. Aaagh … if only that were true! From starting my first book Find Your Courage — when I had four kids under the age of seven (probably more crazy than courageous) — to this one, bringing a book to life while keeping up with my own has always been a juggling act. Disappearing for three months to a quiet cabin in the woods has simply not been an option. So, of all the people deserving of acknowledgement, my husband Andrew tops the list. Sharing my life with someone who is also my biggest cheerleader is a blessing I count daily. Or most days … some I forget.

I also want to acknowledge ...

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