Chapter 1. personal discovery

Everyone is the child of his past.

Edna G. Rostow

There is something in all of us that was there from the very beginning — a desire, an interest, a passion that makes us happy. Whether a vocation or avocation, to do what you love every day seems a luxury, yet it is possible. Through evaluating your current situation, interests, skills, and experience, you may begin to see a pattern emerge that helps guide you in your journey. Making money is fundamental for survival, but so is recognizing and clarifying your inspiration — this is what fuels our energy and success in any endeavor.

  • 4 my journey

  • 6 self-evaluation

  • 11 learning curve

© Erin Manning

personal discovery


I cannot imagine anything more gratifying than dreaming up an idea, bringing it to life, and figuring out how to share it. As much as I enjoy expression and creativity in my photography, I am also thrilled whenever I can make money by marketing and selling my work. This passion for art and commerce has driven much of my life, but it was not fully realized until I synthesized my experience, interests, skills, and desire.


As far back as I can remember, I have always been an artistic, enterprising sort of person — from making potholders on a loom and selling them door-to-door when I was five, to dragging a refrigerator box home at ten so I could turn it into a lemonade stand. I made love beads in ...

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