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Stain PVC Any Color

By Sean Michael Ragan Illustrations by Damien Scogin

You will need

Nitrile gloves

Safety goggles

PVC cleaner Check the label and make sure it contains tetrahydrofuran. I used Oatey Clear Cleaner, a product used to prepare PVC pipe for gluing.

Volumetric pipette, measuring 1mL

Solvent dye I found Rekhaoil Red HF (Solvent Red 164), Rekhaoil Yellow HF (Solvent Yellow 126), and Rekhaoil Blue (Solvent Blue 98) on eBay by searching “petroleum dye.”

Paper towels

Bent wire hanger (optional)

PVC PIPE is great, but it’s kinda ugly—it only comes in white, gray, sometimes black, and clear. Sure, you can paint it, but paint can ...

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