
1. The term stakeholder can be used responsibly. For example, see Freeman, Harrison, and Wicks, Managing for Stakeholders: Survival, Reputation and Success (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007).

2. Adam Smith, Theory of the Moral Sentiments, 1759.

3. Stanley Milgram, “Behavioral Study of Obedience,” Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 67 (1963): 371–78.

4. Philip G. Zimbardo et al, “A Pirandellian Prison,” The New York Times Magazine (April 8, 1973): 38–45.

5. Stanley Milgram, Obedience to Authority (New York: Harper and Row, 1974): 37–8.

6. The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971): 3955.

7. The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary (Oxford: Oxford University Press, ...

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