Developing Magento 2 templates

Magento works with .phtml template files to generate the view layer for the users. Files with the .phtml extension contain both embedded HTML5 as well as PHP programming logic to render all page content using Magento processing. The modules and themes in Magento have their specific groups of .phtml files to show data to the users.

In an order to strengthen these concepts, it's time to implement some template development on the BookStore theme project by following these instructions:

  1. Create the Magento_Catalog directory under the app/design/frontend/Packt/bookstore directory.
  2. Copy the vendor/magento/module_catalog/view/frontend/templates directory to app/design/frontend/Packt/bookstore/Magento_Catalog.
  3. Open the app/design/frontend/Packt/bookstore/Magento_Catalog/templates/product/view/addto.phtml ...

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