
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures and t indicate tables.


Active constraints 544
Active set 692
Adaptive algorithm 162
Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost) algorithm 307–311
Adaptive coordinate descent scheme 259–261
Adaptive CoSaMP (AdCoSaMP) algorithm 479–480, 484f
Adaptive decision feedback equalization 202–204
Adaptive gradient (ADAGRAD) algorithm 368
Adaptive line element (ADALINE) 881
Adaptive projected subgradient method (APSM) 349–350
algorithm 350
asymptotic consensus 358
combine-then-adapt diffusion 357–358
constrained learning 356
convergence of 351–356
distributed algorithms 357–358
hyperslabs 352
parameters 352–356
projection operation 351
SpAPSM 480–484, 481f, 484f
Adaptive signal processing 5
Adapt-then-combine ...

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