Confusion matrix

A confusion (or classification) matrix can help us qualify what threshold value to use by comparing the predicted outcomes against the actual outcomes as follows:

Predict y=0 (healthy)

Predict y=1 (disease)

Actual y=0 (healthy)

True negatives (TN)

False positives (FP)

Actual y=1 (disease)

False negatives (FN)

True positives (TP)

By generating a confusion matrix, it allows us to quantify the accuracy of our model based on a given threshold value by using the following series of metrics:

  • N = number of observations
  • Overall accuracy = (TN + TP) / N
  • Overall error rate = (FP + FN) / N
  • Sensitivity (True Positive Rate) = TP / (TP + FN)
  • Specificity (True Negative Rate) = TN / (TN + FP)
  • False positive ...

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