Restoring MacBook Air

If you delete a file by accident, you can always open the Trash to drag it back out. However, there are plenty of situations where recovering a file just isn’t possible.

bullet.tif You delete the file and then empty the Trash.

bullet.tif You overwrite the file with another file of the same name. If you notice the problem right away, you can choose Edit → Undo or press maccmd+Z to undo the file operation. If you don’t notice until later, you’re stuck.

bullet.tif Your hard drive develops a problem that corrupts the file.

bullet.tif You make and save substantial edits to the file.

The good news is that if you’ve had Time Machine on the job for a while, you can probably go back in time, locate a version of the file, and then restore it to its original location. Time Machine even lets you keep the existing file if you still need the newer version. Note that I’m talking here about files, but you can also recover folders and even your entire hard drive.

Restoring files using Time Machine

Follow these steps to restore ...

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