


sips [-h | --help | -H | --helpProperties]
sips [--debug] { -g | --getProperty } property image_or_profile_filename...
sips [--debug] { -x | --extractProfile } profile_filename image_filename...
sips [--debug] { -X | --extractTag } tag
                     tag_filename profile_filename...
sips [--debug] { -v | --verify } profile_filename...
sips [--debug] { -s | --setProperty } property value [--out filename] image_or_profile_filename...
sips [--debug] { -d | --deleteProperty } property [--out filename] image_or_profile_filename...
sips [--debug] { -r | --rotate } degrees [--out filename] image_filename...
sips [--debug] { -f | --flip } { horizontal | vertical } [--out filename] image_filename...
sips [--debug] { -c | --cropToHeightWidth | -p | --padToHeightWidth | -z |
resampleHeightWidth }
                     width_pixels [--out filename] image_filename...
sips [--debug] { -Z | --resampleHeightWidthMax | --resampleHeight |
--resampleWidth } pixels [--out filename] image_filename...
sips [--debug] { -i | --addIcon } [--out filename] image_filename...
sips [--debug] { -e | --embedProfile | -E | --embedProfileIfNone | -m |
--matchTo } profile_filename [--out filename] image_filename...
sips [--debug] { -M | --matchToWithIntent } profile_filename { absolute |
relative | perceptual | satuation } [--out filename] image_filename...
sips [--debug] --deleteTag tag [--out filename] profile_filename...
sips [--debug] --copyTag src_tag dst_tag [--out filename] profile_filename... sips [--debug] --loadTag ...

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