


mDNS [-E | -F | -A | -U | -N | -T | -M]

mDNS -B type domain

mDNS -L service_name _app_protocol._transport_protocol domain

mDNS -R service_name _app_protocol._transport_protocol domain port
[string] . . .


A basic client for Rendezvous multicast DNS (mDNS), primarily used for testing local mDNS service. When invoked with no arguments, it prints a usage statement to standard error. In most instances, the command doesn’t return on its own, so you’ll need to use Ctrl-C to break out.

When registering or looking up a name like website._http._tcp.local., website is the service_name, http is the app_protocol, tcp is the transport_protocol, and local is the domain. For example, to register such a service:

% mDNS -R website _http._tcp local 80 "my web site"



Tests mDNS by repeatedly adding, updating, and then deleting an HINFO resource record for Test._testupdate._tcp.local..


Browses for services (although this doesn’t seem to work).


Discovers and lists domains recommended for registration of services.


Discovers and lists domains recommended for browsing of services.


Looks up a service, displaying its host address, port number, and TXT records if found.


Tests mDNS by registering a service (Test._testdualtxt._tcp.local.) with multiple TXT resource records.


Tests mDNS by registering a service (Test._testupdate._tcp.local.) with a large NULL resource record.


Registers a service.


Tests mDNS by registering a service (Test._testlargetxt._tcp.local.

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