


SecurityServer [-a config_file] [-d] [-E entropy_file] [-f] [-N bootstrap_name] 
[-t max_threads] [-T thread_timeout] [-X]

Provides services to the Security framework, including authorization and secure key management.



Specify the configuration file for Authorization Services. Defaults to /etc/authorization.


Run process in debug mode, and disables daemonization. Output is sent to standard error and to syslog.


Specify a file to use as a source of entropy for cryptographic operations. Defaults to /var/db/SystemEntropyCache.


Force immediate initialization of the Common Security Services Manager (CSSM), the central access point for services provided by the Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA). Normally the CSSM is initialized when it is first needed.


Specify a service name used to register a Mach bootstrap port. Defaults to SecurityServer; any other setting prevents authorization from working.


Limit the number of Mach threads started by the SecurityServer process. Defaults to 100.


Specify a timeout for Mach threads started by the SecurityServer process, in seconds. Defaults to 120.


Direct SecurityServer to re-execute itself when in daemon mode, needed to work around Mach-related bugs in libraries.

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