


mount_hfs [-w] [-o mount_options] device mount_point
mount_hfs [-e] [-x] [-u user_ID] [-g group_ID] [-m mode] [-o mount_options] device mount_point

Mounts HFS and HFS+ filesystems into the directory hierarchy. The first form is applicable to HFS+ volumes, the second to HFS.



Set the character set encoding. Defaults to Roman.


Set group ownership on files. Defaults to the mount point’s group owner.


Set the maximum permissions for files. The argument is an octal mode, as described in the chmod manpage.


Take -o options as listed in the mount manpage.


Set ownership on files. Defaults to the mount point’s owner.


Mount an HFS+ volume with its HFS wrapper, if one exists. An HFS wrapper is required for the volume to boot Mac OS 9.


Disable execute permissions.


The disk device filename, e.g., /dev/disk0s5.


The directory on which the filesystem is mounted.

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