


Find out which version of AppleScript I’m using?

Launch the Script Editor (/Applications/AppleScript)Script EditorAbout Script Editorthe version of AppleScript appears beneath Script Editor’s version number

Enable the Script Menu in the menu bar?

ApplicationsAppleScriptdouble-click on the item named “Install Script Menu”

Remove the Script Menu from the menu bar?

ApplicationsAppleScriptdouble-click on the item named “Remove Script Menu”

Command-click on the Script Menu icon and drag it off the menu bar.

Locate the scripts found in the Script menu?

FinderMacintosh HDLibraryScripts

Create a place for my AppleScripts in the Script menu?

Go to the Scripts folder (/Library/Scripts) and create a new folder (FileNew Folder) to place your scripts in.

Find out which Scripting Additions are on my system?

Look in /Library/ScriptingAdditions.

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