
System Status


Find out how long my system has been running?

Use the uptime command:

[macchuck:~] chuck% uptime
3:34PM  up  10:09, 2 users, load averages: 0.09, 0.12, 0.09

The uptime command displays, in the following order: the current time, how long the system has been running (up 10:09, or 10 hours 9 minutes), the number of users logged in to the system, and the load averages on the processor.

Display the battery status for my PowerBook in the menu bar?

System Preferences Energy Saver select the checkbox next to “Show battery status in menu bar”

Display a volume control in the menu bar?

System Preferences Sound select the checkbox next to “Show volume in menu bar”

Change the name of my computer?

System Preferences Sharing enter the new name for your computer in the Computer Name text box

Automatically check for updates to the system?

System Preferences Software Update Update Software select the checkbox next to “Automatically check for updates when you have a network connection,” and then select the frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly) from the pull-down menu

Have an application start up automatically after I log in?

System Preferences Login Items click the Add button, and then use the Finder to select the applications you would like to have started after you log in

Drag an application icon from the Finder to the window in the Login Items panel

Display the process meter in the Dock?

Applications Utilities CPU Monitor Preferences Application Icon ...

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