


fdisk [device { -diskSize | -isDiskPartitioned | -installSize | 
-sizeofExtended | -freeSpace | -freeWithoutUFS | 
-freeWithoutUFSorExt | -isThereExtendedPartition | 
-isThereUFSPartition | -removePartitioning | -bootPlusUFS | 
-dosPlusUFS integer | -setAvailableToUFS | -setExtendedToUFS | 
-setExtAndAvailableToUFS | -setUFSActive | -script }] 
[-bootsectorOnly] [-useAllSectors] [-useBoot0 [-boot0 
filename]] [-heads integer] [-cylinders integer] [-sectors 

Provides control over DOS partition maps on disk devices in Darwin x86 systems. Much of its functionality is devoted to managing an Apple UFS partition that Darwin uses as a boot volume. There can be only one Apple UFS partition on a disk.

When invoked without a device name argument, fdisk enters interactive mode, in which navigation is performed via a series of menus.



Specifies a nondefault file to use as the boot program for the -useBoot0 flag.


Repartitions the disk to include an 8-MB booter partition (which is set active) and the remainder as an Apple UFS partition.


Limits modification to include only the boot sector. Normally, the first sector of each new partition is erased, but this flag disables that behavior.


Forces an assumption of a disk geometry with the specified number of cylinders.


Prints the size of the specified device, in megabytes, to standard output.


Repartitions the disk to include a DOS partition of the specified ...

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