


disktool [-l | -r | -x | -y]
disktool [-d | -e | -g | -m | -p | -u | -A | -D | -S] device
disktool [ -s ] device 
disktool -n device 
disktool -a device 
disktool -c userID

Controls disks, including mounting, unmounting, ejecting, enabling permissions, and volume-naming. Most options require a device name argument (e.g., disk0), and some require additional parameters.



Adds disk to Disk Arbitration tables, to notify applications of a mounted volume. This is useful if you have forced a mount, thus bypassing standard notification.


Activates permissions on the volume, adding an entry to /var/db/volinfo.database if one does not already exist.


Specifies user ID of account to use when mounting disks.


Removes disk from Disk Arbitration tables, to notify applications of a dismount. This is useful if you have forced a dismount, thus bypassing standard notification.


Deactivates permissions on the volume.


Ejects disk.


Prints HFS encoding on a volume to standard output.


Lists disk volumes to standard output.


Mounts disk.


Names volume.


Unmounts partition. Device name is that of a partition (e.g., disk0s5).


Refreshes Disk Arbitration tables.


Sets HFS encoding on a volume. Takes encoding as additional integer argument.


Prints status of volume in /var/db/volinfo.database to standard output.


Unmounts disk.


Disallows dismounts and ejects.


Allows dismounts and ejects.

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