Tip 224Leap Around the Desktop via the Keyboard

Moving your hand to grab the mouse while you’re working can be a concentration killer. Luckily, it’s mostly possible to move around your Mac’s desktop using the keyboard.

Activating the Main Menu

To activate the menu, hit Control+F2 (on portable Macs, or Macs with an aluminum keyboard, you’ll have to hit Fn+Control+F2). You can then navigate from menu to menu using the Left/Right cursor keys, and you can open a menu using the Down cursor key. Press Up/Down to select menu options; hitting Return will select an option. Hit Esc to deactivate the selection highlight.

Activating the Dock

Hitting Control+F3 (or Fn+Control+F3) will do the same for the Dock. Use the Left/Right cursor keys to move the ...

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