
All the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) requests for comments (RFCs), 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) technical reports (TRs) and 3GPP technical specifications (TSs) are listed as separate alphabetically ordered lists. Further references then follow. These lists also contain additional sources for further reading.

3GPP Technical Reports and Technical Specifications

This book is based on the versions of the latest releases of 3GPP specifications that were available by June 2012. All 3GPP TSs and TRs are available at the 3GPP server, under the address, where ‘xyabc’ corresponds to the number of the specification (e.g. TS33.401 can be found at

[TR21.801] 3GPP TR21.801. Specification Drafting Rules.

[TR21.905] 3GPP TR21.905. Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications.

[TR22.803] 3GPP TR22.803. Feasibility Study for Proximity Services (ProSe).

[TR23.830] 3GPP TR23.830. Architecture Aspects of Home Node B (HNB) / Home Enhanced Node B (HeNB).

[TR23.839] 3GPP TR23.839. Study on Support of BBF Access Interworking.

[TR31.900] 3GPP TR31.900. SIM/USIM Internal and External Interworking Aspects.

[TR33.812] 3GPP TR33.812. Feasibility Study on the Security Aspects of Remote Provisioning and Change of Subscription for Machine to Machine (M2M) Equipment.

[TR33.820] 3GPP TR33.820. Security of Home Node B (HNB)/Home Evolved Node B (HeNB).

[TR33.821] 3GPP TR33.821. Rationale and ...

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