Printing (Topic 1.107)

Review Questions

  1. What does lpd do to handle incoming print jobs destined for empty print queues?

  2. Describe the kinds of information included in /etc/printcap.

  3. What is the function of a print filter?

  4. What does the -P option specify to the print commands?

  5. When is it useful to pipe into the standard input of lpr instead of simply using a filename as an argument?

  6. How is the Ghostscript program used in printing to a non-PostScript printer?

  7. What filter is used on a Linux system to print to remote printers on Windows clients?


  1. On a system with an existing printer, examine /etc/printcap. Which print filter is used for the printer? Which queue or queues are directed at the printer?

  2. Check the printer status with lpq -P printer and lpc status. Print to the queue using lpr -P printer file.

  3. Examine /var/spool/lpd for the spool directory of your print queue. Examine the files you find there.

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