Devices, Linux Filesystems, and the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (Topic 1.104)

Review Questions

  1. What are the three types of disk partitions found on a Linux system? Which type can contain other partitions and which type does it contain?

  2. Name the directories that must be within the root partition.

  3. Describe the differences between physical disks, partitions, and filesystems.

  4. What is a swap partition used for? Why not just use swap files?

  5. What kind of output will df -h yield?

  6. Describe a common situation that is likely to cause the automatic use of fsck on the next system boot.

  7. Name the fields in /etc/fstab.

  8. Give the command to mount a CD-ROM drive on the secondary master IDE device, assuming that /etc/fstab does not contain a line for the device.

  9. If the ro option is used in /etc/fstab for /usr, what limitation is placed on that filesystem?

  10. Compare and contrast hard and soft quota limits.

  11. What three types of users can be granted or denied access to filesystem objects and how do they apply to files and directories?

  12. Name the symbolic permission that is equivalent to 0754.

  13. Describe a situation that requires the SUID permission. What ramifications does this permission imply?

  14. Compare and contrast the differences between hard and symbolic links.

  15. Name the document to which Linux directory assignments should conform.

  16. Compare and contrast the differences between the locate and find commands.


  1. As root, run fdisk and enter the p command to print the partition table. Examine your system's configuration ...

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