Converting LLVM bitcode to target machine assembly

In this recipe, you will learn how to convert the LLVM bitcode file to target specific assembly code.

Getting ready

The LLVM static compiler llc should be in installed from the LLVM toolchain.

How to do it...

Do the following steps:

  1. The bitcode file created in the previous recipe, test.bc, can be used as input to llc here. Using the following command, we can convert LLVM bitcode to assembly code:
    $ llc test.bc –o test.s
  2. The output is generated in the test.s file, which is the assembly code. To have a look at that, use the following command lines:
    $ cat test.s
    .file "test.bc"
    .globl mult
    .align 16, 0x90
    .type mult,@function
    mult:                                   # @mult
    # BB#0:
    Pushq  %rbp
    .cfi_def_cfa_offset ...

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