grep—searches a file for a pattern (See Chapter 3)

grep  [-[AB] NUM] [-CEFGVbchiLlnqsvwxyUu] [-e PATTERN | -f FILE]
   [--extended-regexp] [--fixed-strings] [--basic-regexp]
   [--regexp=PATTERN] [--file=FILE] [--ignore-case] [--word-regexp]
   [--line-regexp] [--line-regexp] [--no-messages] [--revert-match]
   [--version] [--help] [--byte-offset] [--line-number]
   [--with-filename] [--no-filename] [--quiet] [--silent]
   [--files-without-match] [--files-with-matcces] [--count]
   [--before-context=NUM] [--after-context=NUM] [--context] [--binary]
   [--unix-byte-offsets] files…

grep searches the named input files (or standard input if no files are named, or the - filename is given) for lines containing a match to the given pattern. By default, grep prints the matching ...

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