8.8. Encrypted Mail with MH


You want to send and receive encrypted email conveniently with the MH mail handler.


To view an encrypted message:

show | gpg --decrypt | less

To encrypt and send a message, use the encryption features of your text editor, such as emacs [Recipe 8.1] or vim [Recipe 8.2]. Care must be taken so that only the message body, not the header, gets encrypted.


MH (or more likely found on Linux, nmh ) differs from most mailers in that each mail-handling command is invoked from the shell prompt and reads/writes standard input/output. Therefore, to decrypt a message normally displayed by the show command, pipe show through gpg, then optionally through a pager such as less.

See Also

Further instructions for integrating MH and GnuPG (and PGP) are at http://www.tac.nyc.ny.us/mail/mh and http://www.faqs.org/faqs/mail/mh-faq/part1/section-68.html.

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