
du [options] [files| directories] — coreutils


/usr/bin stdin stdout - file -- opt --help --version

The du (disk usage) command measures the disk space occupied by files or directories. By default, it measures the current directory and all its subdirectories, printing totals in blocks for each, with a grand total at the bottom.

$ du
8    ./Notes
36   ./Mail
340  ./Files/mine
40   ./Files/bob
416  ./Files
216  ./PC
2404 .

However, it can also measure the size of files:

$ du myfile myfile2
4    ./myfile
16   ./myfile2

Useful options

-b -k -m

Measure usage in bytes (-b), kilobytes (-k), or megabytes (-m).

-B N

Display sizes in blocks that you define, where 1 block = N bytes. (Default = 1024)

-h -H

Print “human readable” output, and choose the most appropriate unit for each size. For example, if two directories are of size 1 gigabyte or 25 kilobytes, respectively, du -h prints 1G and 25K. The -h option uses powers of 1024 whereas -H uses powers of 1000.


Print a total in the last line. This is the default behavior when measuring a directory, but for measuring individual files, provide -c if you want a total.


Following symbolic links and measure the files they point to.


Print only the total size.

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