
echo [options] strings — bash


shell built-in stdin stdout - file -- opt --help --version

The echo command simply prints its arguments:

$ echo We are having fun
We are having fun

Unfortunately, there are several different echo commands with slightly different behavior. There’s /bin/echo, but Linux shells typically override this with a built-in command called echo. To find out which you’re using, run the command type echo.

Useful options


Don’t print a final newline character.


Recognize and interpret escape characters. For example, try echo 'hello\a' and echo -e 'hello\a'. The first prints literally and the second makes a beep.


Don’t interpret escape characters: the opposite of -e.

Available escape characters are listed below.


Alert (play a beep)




Don’t print the final newline (same effect as -n)


Form feed


Line feed (newline)


Carriage return


Horizontal tab


Vertical tab


A backslash


Single quote


Double quote


The character whose ASCII value is nnn in octal

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