Route an IPv6 netblock to your local network

So far, all we've done is allocate a single IPv6 address to your machine that is hosting the tunnel. One of the nice things about IPv6 however, is the ability to obtain a large number of public IP addresses for your local networks rather than using NAT. In fact, Hurricane Electric and SixXS both offer complementary /48 networks to use with your tunnel. A /48 includes 2^80 IP addresses, or 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176. Much better than the one IPv4 address you typically get from a consumer IP address. To utilize them, you just need to advertise their availability.

How to do it...

Install radvd via your package management system:

  1. Configure /etc/radvd.conf:
    interface eth1 { AdvSendAdvert on; prefix 2001:DB8:1:1::/64 ...

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