


chkconfig [options] [service [flag]]

System administration command. Manipulate symbolic links in the /etc/rc.d/rc[0–6].d directories. chkconfig manages which services will run in a specified runlevel. Valid flags are on, off, reset or resetpriorities to reset the service to default on/off or priorities given in its initialization script in /etc/rc.d/init.d. This command is available in Fedora and RedHat-style distributions, including SUSE and SUSE-based distributions. To specify defaults in a standard initialization script, add a comment line to the script beginning with chkconfig: followed by the runlevels in which the service should run, and the start and kill priority numbers to assign--e.g., chkconfig: 2345 85 15. To override defaults specified in init files, you can create a file with the same service name in /etc/chkconfig.d. Place a chkconfig line in this override file. This allows you to safely customize package maintained services.


--add service

Create a start or kill symbolic link in every runlevel for the specified service according to default behavior specified in the service’s initialization script.

--del service

Remove entries for specified service from all runlevels.

--level numbers

Specify by number the runlevels to change. Provide numbers as a numeric string: e.g., 016 for levels 0, 1, and 6. Use this to override specified defaults.

--list [service]

Print whether the specified service is on or off in each level. If no service is specified, print ...

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