


scp [options] file1 [...] file2

Securely copy files between hosts on a network, using ssh. Part of the OpenSSH suite of network tools. scp requests a password or passphrase if required. The transfer can be between two remote hosts. If more than one file is specified for file1, file2 should be a directory; otherwise, only the last file in the list is copied. file1 and file2 can be specified in any of the following ways:


The first format is used for a local file; a remote file can be specified in either of the other two formats.



Force the use of SSH protocol 1.


Force the use of SSH protocol 2


Use IPv4 addresses.


Use IPv6 addresses.


Run in batch mode. Don’t ask for passwords or passphrases.

-c cipher

Specify the cipher to be used for encrypting the data.


Enable ssh compression.

-F config

Specify an ssh user configuration file (default is $HOME/.ssh/config).

-i file

Specify the file that contains the identity (private key) for RSA authentication.

-l limit

Limit bandwidth used to limit, specified in kilobits/second.

-o option

Specify an option to pass to ssh.


Preserve modification time, access time, and mode.

-P port

Connect to port on the remote host.


Don’t display the progress meter or messages.


Copy directories recursively.

-S program

Specify the program to use for the encrypted connection. The program must understand ssh options.


Verbose mode.


Copy the local file to the remote system server2, putting it in james’s ...

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