


arecord [options] [filename]

Records midi files using ALSA. You must specify the port using the -p flag.


-b, --bmp=n

Set the tempo value to n beats per minute. The default is 120.

-f, --fps=n

Set timing (SMPTE resolution) to n frames per second. The value is normally 24, 25, 29.97 (NTSC dropframe), or 30.

-h, --help

Display help message.

-i, --timesig=numerator:denominator

Set the time signature for the file and the metronome, specified as the numerator and the denominator separated by a colon. The denominator must be a power of 2. Defaults to 4:4.

-l, --list

List available ports.

-m, --metronome=client:port

Play a metronome signal on the specified sequencer port.

-p, --port=host:port

Set the sequencer host and port used. The default host is the local host, and the default port is port 0.

-s, --split-channels

For each channel of input, create a separate track in the MIDI output file.

-t, --ticks=n

Set the frequency with which timestamps, or ticks, are used in the file. For MIDI files using musical tempo, timestamps are set in ticks per beat (default 384), while those with SMPTE timing use ticks per frame (default 40).

-v, --version

Display version number.

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