


fold [option] [files]

Break the lines of the named files so that they are no wider than the specified width. fold breaks lines exactly at the specified width, even in the middle of a word. Reads from standard input when given - as a file. By default, fold cuts at 80 columns; tab counts as multiple columns, and a backspace as negative one.


-b, --bytes

Count bytes instead of columns, making tab, backspace, and return characters count as one byte instead of altering the column count, as in the default behavior.

-c, --characters

Count characters, not columns. Similar to counting by bytes.

-s, --spaces

Break at spaces only, if possible.

-w, --width width, -width

Set the maximum line width to width. The flags -w 6, --width 6, and −6 all set the maximum width to six columns.

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