svnlook Options

Options in svnlook are global, just as in svn and svnadmin; however, most options apply to only one subcommand because the functionality of svnlook is (intentionally) limited in scope.


Used with the changed command to show detailed copy source information.


Do not print differences for deleted files. The default behavior when a file is deleted in a transaction/revision is to print the same differences that you would see if you had left the file but removed all the content.


Do not print differences for added files. The default behavior is to print the same differences that you would see if you added the entire contents of an existing but empty file.

--revision rev, -r rev

Examine revision number rev.


Operate on a revision property rather than the property of a file or directory. You must also specify a revision using --revision when using this option.


Show the filesystem node revision IDs for each path in the filesystem tree.

--transaction tid, -t tid

Examine transaction ID tid.

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