


                     dpkg-split [action] [options]

Split a binary package into smaller pieces and reassemble the pieces, either manually or in automatic mode. The automatic mode maintains a queue of parts for reassembling. Useful for transferring to and from floppy disks.


-a -o output part, --auto -o output part

Add part to the queue for automatic reassembly, and if all the parts are available, reassemble the package as output. Requires the use of the -o (or --output) option, as shown.

-d [packages], --discard [packages]

Discard parts from the automatic-assembly queue. If any packages are specified, discard only parts from those packages. Otherwise, empty the queue.

-I parts, --info parts

Print information about the part file or files specified.

-j parts, --join parts

Join the parts of a package file together from the parts specified. The default output file is package-version.deb.

-l, --listq

List the contents of the queue of parts waiting for reassembly, giving the package name, the parts that are on the queue, and the number of bytes.

-s full-package [prefix], --split full-package [prefix]

Split the package full-package into parts, named prefixNofM.deb. The prefix defaults to the full-package name without the .deb extension.

-h, --help

Print help message and exit.

--license, --licence

Print license information and exit.


Print version information and exit.


--depotdir dir

Specify an alternate directory dir for the queue of parts waiting for reassembly. ...

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