


debugfs [[option] device]


System administration command. Debug an ext2 filesystem. device is the special file corresponding to the device containing the ext2 filesystem (e.g., /dev/hda3).



Open the filesystem read-write.


cat file

Dump the contents of an inode to standard output.

cd directory

Change the current working directory to directory.

chroot directory

Change the root directory to be the specified inode.


Close the currently open filesystem.

clri file

Clear the contents of the inode corresponding to file.

dump file out_file

Dump the contents of an inode to out_file.

expand_dir directory

Expand directory.

find_free_block [goal]

Find first free block starting from goal (if specified) and allocate it.

find_free_inode [dir [mode]]

Find a free inode and allocate it.

freeb block

Mark block as not allocated.

freei file

Free the inode corresponding to file.


Print a list of commands understood by debugfs.

icheck block

Do block-to-inode translation.

initialize device blocksize

Create an ext2 filesystem on device.

kill_file file

Remove file and deallocate its blocks.

ln source_file dest_file

Create a link.

ls [pathname]

Emulate the ls command.

modify_inode file

Modify the contents of the inode corresponding to file.

mkdir directory

Make directory.

mknod file [p|[[c|b] major minor]]

Create a special device file.

ncheck inode

Do inode-to-name translation.

open [-w] device

Open a filesystem.


Print the current working directory.

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