Tip #2: Checking Your Distribution Burns

When installing Red Hat Linux 7.3 or later (all versions of Fedora Core are considered “later”), a special solution is available to people who run into problems that seem to have absolutely no explanation, such as the installer freezing.

If your installation keeps dying while Anaconda (the Red Hat installer program) is placing packages on your hard drive, follow these steps to try to fix it:

Place the DVD-ROM or the first Fedora CD-ROM into your drive.
Reboot the machine.
Wait until you reach the Media Check dialog box. If you’ve changed your mind and just want to start the installation, use the Tab or arrow keys to select Skip and then press Enter.
Tab to the Test button and press Enter. If you are using CD-ROMs and want to test a different one, tab to the Eject CD button and press Enter. If you chose the second option, remove the first CD-ROM from the CD-ROM drive and replace it with the CD-ROM you want to test. Close the CD-ROM drive and make sure that Test is selected.
Press Enter to begin the media check. The Media Check status box opens and shows you the name assigned to the DVD-ROM or CD-ROM and how much progress has been made. At the end of the inspection, the Media Check Result dialog box opens.
Look at the text after and the result is. If the result is PASS, nothing is wrong with the DVD-ROM or CD-ROM itself. Your installation woes are caused by something else. Return to the section “The Linux Installer Froze ...

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