

Part I: The Linux Command Line

Chapter 1: Starting with Linux Shells

What Is Linux?

Looking into the Linux kernel

System memory management

Software program management

Hardware management

Filesystem management

The GNU utilities

The core GNU utilities

The shell

The Linux desktop environment

The X Window system

The KDE desktop

The GNOME desktop

The Unity desktop

Other desktops

Linux Distributions

Core Linux distributions

Specialized Linux distributions

The Linux LiveCD


Chapter 2: Getting to the Shell

Reaching the Command Line

Console terminals

Graphical terminals

Accessing CLI via a Linux Console Terminal

Accessing CLI via Graphical Terminal Emulation

Using the GNOME Terminal Emulator

Accessing the GNOME terminal

The menu bar

Using the Konsole Terminal Emulator

Accessing the Konsole terminal

The menu bar

Using the xterm Terminal Emulator

Accessing xterm

Command line parameters


Chapter 3: Basic bash Shell Commands

Starting the Shell

Using the Shell Prompt

Interacting with the bash Manual

Navigating the Filesystem

Looking at the Linux filesystem

Traversing directories

Using absolute directory references

Using relative directory references

Listing Files and Directories

Displaying a basic listing

Displaying a long listing

Filtering listing output

Handling Files

Creating files

Copying files

Using tab auto-complete

Linking files

Renaming files

Deleting files

Managing Directories

Creating directories

Deleting directories

Viewing File Contents

Viewing ...

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