Chapter 13. Running a Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (LAMP) Server


  • Components of a LAMP server

  • Setting up your LAMP server

  • Operating your LAMP server

  • Troubleshooting

  • Securing your Web traffic with SSL/TLS

With the growing availability of broadband Internet connections and a popular desire to run personal Web sites and Web logs (blogs), an increasing number of people are setting up Web application servers on their home Internet connections. Web applications are also finding more popularity in business environments because Web applications reduce the number of programs that need to be maintained on workstations.

One popular variety of Web application server is known as a LAMP server because it brings together Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. LAMP servers combine components from several open source projects to form a fast, reliable, and economical platform for other readily available applications.

This chapter helps you install and configure your own LAMP server. It begins with an introduction to the various components, guides you through the installation and configuration, and finishes with the installation of a sample Web application.

The examples in this chapter are based on a system running Ubuntu but conceptually should work on other distributions, if you take into account that other Linux systems use different ways to install the software and start and stop services. Descriptions of how to set up LAMP configuration files, however, should work across multiple Linux distributions ...

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