This is the file that describes the top-level structure we will be using to organize our Laddie enterprise subtree. It holds our enterprise number and product identification OID. This file is small, so let's look at the whole thing and then discuss its structure. (The address, phone number, and fax number are bogus to protect Bob's privacy, but you'll get the general idea.)

 LADDIE-GROUP-SMI DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI ; laddieGroup MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200502220000Z" ORGANIZATION "The Laddie Group" CONTACT-INFO "Contact: Bob Smith Postal: 221B Baker Street Santa Clara, California, USA 12345 Phone: 408-555-1138 FAX: 408-555-1234 Web: www.runtimeaccess.com Email: bsmith@linuxtoys.org" ...

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