16.3. Running a script

Here’s an example of what we have just discussed. Here is a file called cleanup.

						$ pg cleanup 
# name: cleanup 
# this is a general cleanup script 
echo "starting cleanup...wait" 
rm /usr/lcoal/apps/log/*.log 
tail -40 /var/adm/mesages >/tmp/messages 
rm /var/adm/messages 
mv /tmp/messages /var/adm/messages 
echo "finished cleanup" 

The above script cleans up var/adm/ messages by truncating the file, and deletes all log files in /usr/local/apps/log.

To make the script executable we use the chmod command:

						$ chmod u+x cleanup.

Now to run the script, just type the script name

						$ cleanup

If you get an error back like this:

						$ cleanup 
sh: cleanup: command not found

try this:


If you have to type a pathname ...

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