5.5. tee

The tee command acts the way it is pronounced. It takes the input and sends one copy to the standard output and another copy to a file. If you want to see your output and save it to a file at the same time, then this is the command for you.

The general format is:

tee -a files 

where, ‘-a’ means append all output to a file.

Tee comes in handy when you are running commands or scripts and you want to keep a log of the output.

Let’s look at an example. Using the who command, the output is sent to the screen and a copy is sent to a file called who.out.

						$ who | tee who.out louise pts/1 May 20 12:58 ( matthew pts/0 May 20 10:18 ( cat who.out louise pts/1 May 20 12:58 ( matthew pts/0 May 20 10:18 ( ...

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