Special Thanks

Special thanks to:

My amazing wife, Chhavi, for all her love and daily inspiration.

Rohan and Jaiden, for letting Daddy finish his “second chicken book.”

My parents, Vinay and Nimmi, for their constant belief in me and the book.

Elizabeth Marshall and Jinal Shah for all their help in making the book itself as strong as it could be with editing support and continual smart thinking.

Steve Hanselman, my agent, for first offering the title of Likeonomics, and being a sounding board.

The rest of my family for all their help and thinking throughout.


The Likeonomics Curator’s Network for bringing Likeonomics to life in a real and tangible way every day through their stories and contributions.*



* This could include you! If you are interested in joining The Likeonomics Curator’s Network, visit www.likeonomics.com/curators to learn more about it.

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