Adding the apple

Next up, we need to get our snake eating something. Let's get our apple implemented.

We will need to get our apple to do the following things:

  • Randomly being placed on the screen, not on the snake!
  • Only place one if there isn't an apple on the screen already
  • Disappear when it collides with the snake's head

Right! Let's add the texture:

    private Texture apple;

Then, let's amend our show() method and add the code to instantiate the apple texture:

    apple = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("apple.png"));

Let's add a flag to determine if the apple is available:

    private boolean appleAvailable = false;
    private int appleX, appleY;

This will control whether or not we want to place one. In the Snake game, the next apple appears after the current apple ...

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