
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


& (ampersand), The disable-output-escaping attribute
&quot and &apos entities, The disable-output-escaping attribute
< and > (angle brackets), A Ridiculous XML Document, The disable-output-escaping attribute
entity references for, Doing the Math with Expressions
' (apostrophe), The disable-output-escaping attribute
@* (at-asterisk), The Identity Transform
$ (dollar sign), Using Variables
// (double forward slashes), Counting on Multiple Levels
&gt (entity reference), Doing the Math with Expressions
&lt (entity reference), Doing the Math with Expressions
= (equals sign), Attributes and pseudoattributes
/ (forward slash), A Ridiculous XML Document, The root node, Location Paths
-- (hyphens, doubled), Outputting Comments
&#10 vs. &#13 (line-end vs.carriage return characters), Using the text Element
<? and ?> (PI start and end tags), Attributes and pseudoattributes
" (quotes, double), Attributes and pseudoattributes, Summary, The disable-output-escaping attribute
(see also quotes)
' (quotes, single), Attributes and pseudoattributes, Summary, Passing in a Parameter to the Stylesheet
(see also quotes)
| (union operator), Matching Multiple Nodes with a Pattern ...

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