
  • 2D fonts are drawn on the screen just the same as any Texture2D object.

  • 2D fonts are built using the SpriteFont object.

  • Background images are added to games by using a sprite that covers the entire screen.

  • Game states are breaks in gameplay or transitions in gameplay from one state to another (for example, moving from one level to another, accomplishing a mission, losing the game, or something similar in concept).

  • Games development is a very creative business. While the mechanics are very scientific, as in all programming, the actual fine-tuning of the game is a very art-oriented craft that is heavily centered on how the gameplay feels to a user. As a developer, you should play with your game as early and often as possible so that you can tweak the experience into something that you enjoy and that you envision others will enjoy as well.

  • XNA development is fun and exciting. If you learn XNA, everybody will want to be your friend.

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