
replaceAt — Replace an element in a list that is stored as a string


String.replaceAt(str, new, index, sep)

str : String

new : String

index : Number

sep : String


(See elementAt( )’s description for an explanation of how a string is processed as a list of “elements.”)

Starting with the list stored as string str, returns a list in which the element at position index is replaced by the element new. (The first element has index zero.) The return value is a new string; str itself remains unmodified.

If index is less than zero, the first element is replaced. Similarly, if index is past the end of the list, the last element is replaced. Note that an empty str is a valid list with only one element: the empty string.

Returns invalid if any of the values can’t be converted to the correct types or if sep is the empty string.


String.replaceAt("a;b;c;d", "xxx", 1, ";")

returns string "a;xxx;c;d"

String.replaceAt("a;b;c;d", "xxx", -1, ";")

returns string "xxx;b;c;d"

String.replaceAt("a;b;c;d", "xxx", 9.8, ";")

returns string "a;b;c;xxx"

String.replaceAt("", "xxx", 0, ";")

returns string "xxx"

String.replaceAt(invalid, "x", 1, "x")

returns invalid

String.replaceAt("foo", invalid, 1, "x")

returns invalid

String.replaceAt("foo", "x", "one", "x")

returns invalid

String.replaceAt("foo", "x", 1, invalid)

returns invalid

String.replaceAt("foo", "x", 1, "")

returns invalid

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