
charAt — Return the character at a given position in a string


String.charAt(str, index)

str : String

index : Number


Extracts the single character at the specified index from the string str, and returns it as a single-character string. (The first character in the string has index zero.) If index is a floating-point number, it’s converted to an integer with ) before being used. If index is out of range (less than zero or past the end of the string), the empty string is returned.

If the arguments can’t be converted to the correct types, invalid is returned.


String.charAt("Example", 0)

returns string "E"

String.charAt("Example", 3)

returns string "m"

String.charAt("Example", 6)

returns string "e"

String.charAt("Example", 7)

returns string ""

String.charAt "Example", -1)

returns string ""

String.charAt(42, 1)

returns string "2"

String.charAt(false, 4)

returns string "e"

String.charAt(invalid, 0)

returns invalid

String.charAt("foo", "bar")

returns invalid

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