Calls to Other Script Units

To call a function in another file, you must specify the external file in the call:

            file-identifier#function-name (argument-list)

The function name and argument list are the same as before. The file-identifier references a URL via a name set up with a url pragma. (This pragma is described in the next section.) The file-identifier name itself follows the same rules as variable names. Examples of external function calls include:

mathlibrary#factorial (6)
arraylibrary#sort (array)
netlib#check_email_address (addr)

The url pragma

The url pragma that names the external file looks like this:

use url file-identifier url-string;

The file-identifier is the name used in the external function calls. It follows the same rules as variable names. You can have a file-identifier with the same name as either a WMLScript function or a variable, because all three use different namespaces.

The url-string is a normal WMLScript string literal. Its contents must be a valid URL. This URL may be relative or absolute: relative URLs are resolved against the URL used to fetch the current script module. (URL resolving is discussed in Appendix A.) This URL must not contain a # character, so it can’t specify a fragment.

Here are some examples:

use url netlib "";
use url test "test.wmlsc";
use url example "/script/example.wmlsc";

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