

& (ampersand) and background processes, Running a Command in the Background
>> (append redirection operator), cat
* (asterisk), File and Directory Wildcards
\ (back slash), File and Directory Names
for multiline commands, Using AppleScript to Manipulate the Terminal
: (colon), File and Directory Names
, (comma), Pine, multiple email addresses, Sending Email with Pine
. (dot) and newsgroups, Usenet News
= (equals) operator, filename permissions, Setting Permissions with chmod
/ (forward slash), Absolute Pathnames
in filenames, File and Directory Names
IRC, using in, Introducing IRC
vi, searching with, vi tour
# (hash mark) and IRC, Introducing IRC
> (output redirection operator), Standard Input and Standard Output, cat
accidental overwrites, preventing, cat
.. (parent directory notation), Relative pathnames up
| (pipe operator), Standard Input and Standard Output, Pipes and Filters
? (question mark), File and Directory Wildcards
Pine, help command in, Configuring Pine
" " (quotes) and Lynx, entering URLs, Lynx, a Text-Based Web Browser
; (semicolon) and background commands, running, Running a Command in the Background
$$ (shortcut for ps), ps
[ ] (square brackets), File and Directory Wildcards


A (Add Newsgroup) command, Usenet News
absolute pathnames, Absolute Pathnames
vs. relative pathnames, Pathname puzzle
access permissions, Protecting and Sharing Files, Changing Group and Owner
directories, Directory Access Permissions
accounts, Getting Started, Using Unix
address book (Pine), Pine address ...

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