
&& (AND), 79

& (array AND), 80

* (multiplication and matrix multiplication), 10, 6162

.* (element-by-element multiplication), 2526

/ (division), 10

./ (element-by-element division), 25

ˆ (exponentiation), 10

.ˆ (element-by-element exponentiation), 26

: (colon operator), 28, 5758

@ (function handle), 128129

% (comment), 7

%% (section marker), 11

\ (solve linear system), 65

| (array OR), 80

|| (OR), 79

∼ (NOT), 80

= (assignment operator), 78

∼= (is not equal to), 80

‘ (transpose conjugate), 59

.’ (transpose), 60

< (is less than), 80

<= (is less than or equal to), 80

== (is equal to), 80

> (is greater than), 80

>= (is greater than or equal to), 80

. (structure field delimiter), 139140

{ } (cell array index), 138139

. . . (line continuation), 42

abs, 10, 140

Absolute value, of a complex number, 140

acos, 10

acosd, 10

ActiveX control, 149

Addition of vector and scalar, 25

Addition of vectors, 25

Addition, matrix, 6061

Addition, vector and scalar, 25

Aerodynamic drag, 184, 187

Aggregating different data types, 137

AlphaData property of image, 249

Alt key, 222223

AND, 7980

Angle of a complex number, 140

angle, 140


basic steps, 9596

functions moving, 99101

plotting multiple curves, 99

slowing down with pause, 96

speeding up with stride, 101102

Annotation, 179

line, 5153

text, 52

Anonymous function, 128129, 268269, 273, 280, 278

Application data, 221222

area ...

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