4.6. Review of vi Buffer and Marking Commands

Table 4.2 summarizes the command-line options common to all versions of vi. Table 4.3 and Table 4.4 summarize the buffer and marking commands.

Table 4.2. Command-Line Options
+n fileOpen file at line number n.
+fileOpen file at last line.
+/pattern fileOpen file at first occurrence of pattern.
-c command fileRun command after opening file; usually a line number or search (POSIX version of +).
-ROperate in read-only mode (same as using view instead of vi).
-rRecover files after a crash.
Table 4.3. Buffer Names
Buffer NamesBuffer Use
1-9The last nine deletions, from most to least recent.
a-zNamed buffers for you to use as needed. Uppercase letters append to the buffer.
Table 4.4. Buffer and Marking Commands
"bcommandDo command with buffer b.
mxMark current position with x.
'xMove cursor to first character of line marked by x.
`xMove cursor to character marked by x.
``Return to exact position of previous mark or context.
''Return to beginning of the line of previous mark or context.

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